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"Shirley's Epilepsy Awareness Program" is planning
a Hawaiin Luau in July plus a Golf Outing in August in the Indianapolis/Greenwood area of Indiana. If you would like
to attend or help out in any way on these two events please contact us at michael_caron2000@yahoo.com Another reason for this web-site is to Cut The Red Tape and get the people the help they need NOW!! When you
donate to many of these National Organizations less than 3% of the money collected goes to the intended fund. This is
not Right.
If you would like to learn more about "Shirley's Epilepsy
Awareness Program" or if you would like to join the organization and help plan for up-coming events, please log on to

We are very proud to introduce at this time DIANE M. SMITH!!

Diane has a studio in the Greenwood, Indiana area that
is very, very special. The name of the studio is "The Cat And The Fiddle Music Studio". What makes it special
is that Diane has Adaptable Programs for Homeschool. Preschool, & Students with Special Needs. We Commend her for
her dedication to children. If you would like to contact Diane you can reach her through her e-mail address at
Help us to make our Hawaiin Luau Event in July a very
special event where we can help both those of all ages that suffer with Epilepsy and also help to Launch "Save Our Children"
and find more wonderful people like Diane who really do care about tomorrows Adults Today!!


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"Save Our Children"
This is a Grass Roots Organization that is being developed
to help children achieve different goals in life, show them that we care, and support their achievements in life. We
are looking for different suggestions on how these goals can be accomplished and let the children themselves have an input
as to what they want to do. There are so many ways that we can help the children. It is common to say, "What has
happened to our children?" The sad truth is, we have happened to our children. As most of us grew up with "Lack
of Support" from our families, when we became adults we continued the trend. A few years ago, I coached Youth Soccer.
This gave children a sense of accomplishments, however if a player made a goal, or if the Goalie stopped a goal from going
into the net, when they looked around for approval, there was no one there. If their parent or parents brought them
to the game, they had to leave and were not their to see their child's achievement. There must be a family member present
to see the achievement that the child makes. We ask that you support this organization fully because our children need
to know that we care!!!!
Go to http://saveourchildren2006.tripod.com Read the stories. See what has been done by the children themselves. Make it a point to join this
organization, help it flourish and mold the children of today into the Adults of Tomorrow!!
Thank You

We would like to show you some pictures of what can happen
when Adults decide to Care about how our children are being raised in today's world.

Group pictures bring out the character in people.

Imagine being in the audience and hear the crowd roar
with delight. Imagine the feel that you would get running up and down your spine knowing that your child is on that
stage. He or she is there because you cared enough to steer them in the right direction. As long as there are
wonderful people in our world like Diane M. Smith that dream can become a reality. We urge you to log on to http://www.honeycreekorch.com now and learn more about these future Adults that will be helping to make our world a much better world in which to
Thank You Diane, for caring.

This is a special opportunity for free advertising!!

Along with supporting "Shirley's Epilepsy Awareness
Program" we also support a great organization in Decatur, Indiana that is going to Great Lengths to help their community.
They have two special events coming up, one in July and the other in August. They are looking for Bands as well as Vendors
and Concessionors to help make these events possible. Along with the Birch Band, we will display Banners of other bands
willing to help out.
Click here to learn more about S.E.L.F. and how you can help to make a difference.

These are some special students bringing some beautiful
music into the world.

Awesome kids that any parent would be proud of!!!!
