Our Business Philosophy
Our Business Philosophy is quite simple. We want
to always treat our customers the same way we would like to be treated ourselves. We did not want to charge shipping
and handling on our products, however we quickly learned that in order to absorb the shipping and handlings expenses along
with packaging, we would have to boost our prices up substantially. Therefore, we will be doing our very best to find
a solution that is suitable for all. We are hard working people who just want a tiny piece of the American Pie.
My beautiful wife Shirley Ruth Caron has suffered with Epilepsy since she was fourteen. She is now fifty-nine.
For the past four years she has been nominated in Nashville, Tennessee for her talents in songwriting as well as Vocalists
ability. Therefore, this web-site becomes a two way street. First, 10% of all sales will be set aside in a fund
for "Shirley's Epilepsy Awareness Program" to help others that suffer with this desease, as well as helping to find a cure.
Another portion of profits will be used to help Shirley develop her singing career. Therefore, by purchasing products
from our site you will be helping those with Epilepsy as well as helping a deserving artist gain the recognition she so rightfully
deserves. I am also President of M&S Public Relations and will help others gain recognition in Nashville as well.
As a hard working team, Shirley and I will support artists from all over the company as well as other countries. We
will not, however, support any artist that feels that filthy lyrics and Lewd Gestures are what the public wants to see and
hear. That segment of the public we would rather not associate with. Therefore if you are talented and meet our
guidelines, e-mail us at michael_caron2000@yahoo.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Thank You.
Our Company
Our company is not a fancy office building or warehouse.
Plus, we do not always have supplies on hand. We do not specify shipping dates as it depends on whether or not we have
a particular product on hand. Most of our products have to be bought by us in Bulk. As an example, if you bought
one or two items from our display, we may have to purchase one dozen or one gross (12 Dozen) of that particular item.
Most of our suppliers are local and turn-a-round time could be as little as one week or less for you to receive your item.
As we build our business we will have more products on hand, however we want to be as honest with you as we can. If
you are in the area and would like to stop by for coffee, we don't mind. We just want you to know in advance that unless
we have prior orders for a particular item you are looking for, chances are we will not have your item. If we do, and
you want to purchase it at that time, by all means we will allow you to. If and when we do advance to an actual business
location we will display a picture of our store, location and times of operation. As long as you deal with us (The actual
name of our business and which we have an Indiana Tax license for is "Caron's Advertising Specialties) you will deal with
honesty and respect.
